(Latihan-latihan soal persiapan Ujian Nasional. Jenjang: SMP/MTs. Teks: Recount. Judul/Topik: Sebuah Pengalaman Buruk).
I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However, the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
That was on Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you…! Stop!!” Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.
1. What does the text talk about?
A. The writer’s fault at the blue jeans shop.
B. The writer’s bad experience at a fashion shop.
C. The shop assistant’s activity.
D. The security officer’s fault.
- INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum.
- PEMBAHASAN: Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut menceritakan pengalaman buruk Si Penulis ketika berbelanja (shopping). Hal ini bisa dilihat dari paragraf-paragraf dalam teks. Pada bagian orientation, paragraf pertama, dibuka dengan pernyataan “I had a bad experience…”(Saya mendapatkan pengalaman buruk… dst.) Kemudian pada bagianseries of events, paragraf ke-dua, diceritakan serangkaian kejadian/peristiwa tentang karyawan/pelayan toko yang lupa melepaskan klip sehingga detector berbunyi. Pada bagian akhir, re-orientation, diceritakan manager toko tersebut meminta maaf atas kejadian buruk yang menimpa Penulis.
2. “She forgot to take the censor clip…”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The writer.
B. The shop assistant.
C. The security officer.
D. The manager.
- INDIKATOR: Menentukan rujukan kata.
- PEMBAHASAN: Kata “She” dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk atau sebagai kata ganti dari ‘karyawan toko’. Dengan demikian, kalimat tersebut memiliki pengertian “Karyawan toko tersebut lupa mengambil/melepas klip sensor…”
3. Why did the detector beep?
A. The security officer shouted at the writer.
B. The security officer took the writer to the manager’s room.
C. The shop assistant forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans.
D. The shop assistant found that the writer stole a pair of blue jeans.
- INDIKATOR: Menentukan informasi tertentu.
- PEMBAHASAN: Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ke-dua yang menyatakan“She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped.” (Dia lupa melepas klip sensor pada celana jeans tersebut. Jadi ketika saya meninggalkan toko itu, detector pun berbunyi).
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