Prediksi UN+US+Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Paket 1 TA 2013/2014

 on Friday, March 7, 2014  

The Jackson Family
Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him. His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary school. Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood. It
has five rooms : a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and two bedrooms. The Jacksons has a house maid
to help Mrs Jackson to do the house work. The maid comes from Bantul.

1. Where do the Jacksons works?
a. In Denpasar
b. In Bantul
c. In Medan
d. In America

Jawaban (A)
Jawaban terdapat pada paragraph 1. Mr.Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. Pertanyaanya adalah dimanakah Mr,Jackson bekerja ? jawaban yang tepat adalah Denpasar.

2. What does Mr. Jackson do?
He is ....
a. a father
b. a teacher
c. a student
d. a house maid

Jawaban (B)
Pembahasan: Jawaban terdapat pada paragraph 1. Mr. Jackson is an American teacher
Pertanyaanya adalah apa yang dikerjakan / dilakukan oleh Mr.Jackson, jawaban yang tepat adalah dia seorang guru.

3. Mr. Andy : Ah, Tika, come in.
Tika : ... I’m late.
Mr. Andy : That’s OK. Don’t do it next time, will you?
a. I’m sorry.
b. I feel glad.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. See you again sir.

Jawaban (A)
Tika :… saya telat, kata untuk mengisi titiktitik yang tepat adalah permintaan maaf, arti jawaban yang ada
a. mohon maaf
b. saya senang
c. senang bertemu dengan anda
d. sampai jumpa lagi
sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

4. Reza : I’ve got a problem with my computer. ... you repair it?
Rudy : Yes, but have you brought it to a computer technician before?
Reza : Not yet.
Rudy : Bring your computer here and I will check it.
a. Will
b. Shall
c. Can
d. Must

Jawaban (C)
Arti dari percakapan reza dan rudi Reza : komputerku rusak …. Kamu memperbaikinya Dari jawaban yang tersedia
a. akankah
b. sebaiknya
c. dapatkah
d. haruskah
maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

5. Ramdan lost her pen and she asks Buni about it.
Ramdan : Do you know where my pen is?
Buni : …. one?
Ramdan : The red one. The one I put on the table.
Buni : No, I don’t know where it is.
A. What
B. Where
C. Who
D. Which

Jawaban (D)
Ramdan : Do you know where my pen is?
Buni : …. one?
Ramdan : taukah kamu dimana pulpenku?
Buni : …
Didepan kata one, arti yang tepat adalah yang mana, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah which.

6. This house has two bathrooms. A bathroom is a room where a person …..
A. irons shirts
B. reads books
C. washes clothes
D. takes a bath

Jawaban (D)
bathroom is a room where a person….
Bathroom berarti kamar mandi, dari penggalan diatas berarti
Kamar mandi adalah, dimana seseorang…
Dari jawaban yang tersedia
A. menyetrika baju
B. membaca buku
C. mencuci baju
D. mandi
sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Mrs. Abdurrahman is a doctor. She has a sharp nose, wavy hair and creamy yellow skin. Mrs. Abdurrahman is tall, slim and beautiful. Mrs. Abdurrahman works in a big hospital in the city. She works from at eight o'clock in the morning until five at noon. Everyone likes her.

7. What time does Mrs. Abdurrahman begin to work?
a. At 5.00.       c. At 8.00.
b. At 7.00.       d. At 9.00.

Jawaban (C)
Pertanyaan : jam berapakah Mrs.Abdurahman mulai bekerja ?
jawabannya terdapat pada baris
She works from at eight o'clock in the morning until five at noon (dia bekerja mulai dari jam 8 pagi sampai jam 5 sore). Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C (pukul 8)

8. Mrs. Abdurrahman is a….. doctor.
a. lazy     c. proud
b. kind    d. clever

Jawaban (B)
Jawaban terdapat pada phrase kalimat terakhir yaitu.
Everyone likes her (semua orang menyukainya)
Hal ini menunjukkan kalau dia baik hati Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B. kind (baik)

9. Teacher : All right, students. Let’s start the quiz.
Students : Excuse me, Sir. Can we open our books?
Teacher : No! …….. Are you ready?
Students : Yes, Sir.
a. Come to me!      c. Close your book!
b. Explain to me!    d. Open your book!

Jawaban (C)
arti dari percakapan tersebut
guru: baiklah murid-murid, mari memulai quiz (ujian)
murid : maaf pak, dapatkah kita membuka buku?
Guru :tidak!..... kalian siap?
Murid : ya pak!
Sehingga kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah C. close your book! (tutup buku kalian!)

10. X : I want to take my pill.
      Y : Sure! A minute, please.
a. Do you want some?
b. Can you get me a glass of water, please?
c. Can you take me to the doctor, please?
d. Will you buy it for me, please?

Jawaban (B)
Arti percakapan tersebut Saya ingin minum pilku
Tentu, tunggu sebentar
a. apakah kamu juga mau?
b. Dapatkah kau mengambilkan segelas air?
c. Dapatkah kamu mengantarkan ke dokter?
d. Dapatkah kau membelinya untukku?
Dari arti diatas didapatkan kesimpulan bila jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

11. It …… a book.
a. is         c. are
b. am       d. go

Jawaban (A)
bentuk tunggal, ditunjukkan oleh a yang berarti sebuah, jadi tobe yang tepat adalah is (A).

12. The woman is a teacher.
The plural form of the sentence is.
a. the woman are teachers
b. the woman is a teacher
c. the women are teachers
d. the women are teacher

Jawaban (C)
woman adalah bentuk tunggal, women adalah bentuk jamak, to be is adalah untuk bentuk tunggal dan are untuk jamak, sedangkan yang di tanyakan adalah jamak, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah the women are teachers (C).

13. Intan : Mom, can I go to the zoo next Sunday?
Mother : I’m afraid you can’t. We ... …your grandmother next Sunday.
a. visit
b. visited
c. have visited
d. are going to visit

Jawaban (D)
intan : ibu, dapatkah aku pergi ke kebun binatang minggu depan ?
ibu : sepertinya kamu tidak bisa, kita….. nenekmu minggu depan
dari kontek kalimatnya menandakan bahwa pergi ke nenek masih akan dilakukan, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah are going to visit (akan pergi) - D.

14. Lia is 15 years old. Ami is 16 years old. It means Lia is …… than Ami.
a. taller        c. older
b. shorter     d. younger

Jawaban (B)
lia berumur 15 tahun, ami 16 tahun, hal ini berarti lia lebih muda. Dari daftar kosakata yang disediakan
a. taller =lebih tinggi
b. shorter = lebih pendek
c. older = lebih tua
d. younger = lebih muda
jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

15. What is the advertisement about ?
a. furniture
b. car rent service
c. cleaning service
d. car repair service.

Jawaban (B)
Jasa iklan yang di tawarkan adalah carter dan rental berbagai jenis mobil, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B
Car rent service.

16. Arrange the following jumbled words into a good sentence
buying - did not - clothes - money - much - we – spend - for.
a. 6 - 2 - 7 - 5 - 4 - 8 - 1 – 3
b. 3 - 2 - 1 - 6 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 8
c. 6 - 2 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 8
d. 3 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 6 - 7 - 4 – 8

Jawaban (A)
Apabila disusun, kalimat yang paling pas adalah we did not spend much money for buying clothes.

Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in the early 1950’s. It is believed that the term rock and roll was first used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed. In 1955, records of a young singer from
Tennessee, Elvis Presley, were heard across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley’s singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world.
Then came Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound, and its lyrics.

17. What is the best title for the text?
a. Music.
b. Kinds of Music.
c. Rock Music.
d. Music from Time to Time.

Jawaban (C)
Mulai paragraph pertama, mengisahkan tentang music rock, sedangkan paragraph kedua menceritakan perkembangan music rock, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah music rock.

18. What does the word “it” in paragraph one line 2 refer to?
a. Popular music.
b. Rock music.
c. Rock and Roll.
d. All countries.

Jawaban (B)
Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every. It pada baris kedua tersebut mengacu sebagai ganti dari rock music.

19. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
a. Rock and Roll was the name given by Alan Freed.
b. Alan Freed was the one who used the term rock and roll.
c. Rock music is played and listened in most countries.
d. Rock music is part of popular music today

Jawaban (D)
Ada tiga jenis letak tema utama paragraph yaitu di awal, tengah dan akhir paragraph.apabila kita membaca awal paragraph pertama, dapat disimpulkan bahwa music rock merupakan salah satu bagian music yang terkenal saat ini, lalu paragraph tersebut di kembangkan mulai dari siapa yang menamai rock, siapa artis
rock terkenal dan perkembangannya. jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah Rock music is part of popular music today.

Riana has made some fruit kebabs. She wants Angga to taste them.
“Hi, Angga. Care to taste this?”
“What is it? It looks so delicious.”
“Well, I call this fruit kebab.”
“Oh I see. How do you make them?”
“It’s easy. I saw the recipe in my mom’s magazine.”
“Great!” Of course I’ll taste it”

20. Angga’s expression to show his admiration is .
a. how are you?
b. oh, I see.
c. it looks so delicious!
d. oh my god!

Jawaban (C)
Admiration adalah ungkapan kagum, terpesona, takjub akan sesuatu, dalam jawaban diatas terdapat dua frase admiration yaitu C dan D, namun expresi yang digunakan angga adalah C.

21. Does Angga want to taste fruit kebab?
a. No.
b. Yes, he does.
c. Not really.
d. Yes, maybe.

Jawaban (B)
“Great!” Of course I’ll taste it”
Ungkapan diatas berarti mempunyai arti iya, Angga akan mencobanya, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B, yes he does. Sedangkan yes, maybe. Berarti ya, munkin, kata tersebut kurang pas di gunakan.

22. How does Riana make the fruit kebabs?
a. watching TV programs
b. listening mom’s chanel
c. read recipe from magazine
d. read mom’s paper

Jawaban (C)
“It’s easy. I saw the recipe in my mom’s magazine.”
Jadi Riana membuat fruit kebabs dengan cara membaca resep di majalah ibunya, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C, membaca resep majalah.

23. Those announcement we can found at:
a. air port
b. bus terminal
c. station
d. hospital

Jawaban (A)
Foreign passport only,berarti hanya passport warga Negara asing, pengumuman tersebut hanya kita jumpai
di bandara, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A. air port.

24. below are expressions to reject items from someone, except ?
a. No, thank you.
b. Not for me, thanks.
c. Not this time, thanks.
d. No. I like it

Jawaban (D)
Penolakan ajakan, selalu di awali dengan kata no, namun pada pilihan D, no. I like it, berarti adalah mengiyakan undangan, karena berarti tidak, saya suka kok.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa Thousands of people visit Pisa’s famous tower each year and wonder just how
much longer it can exist without falling. Millions of dollars have been spent to stop the tower crashing to the ground. Soft, shifting soil has always been the tower’s problem. Recently, it was discovered that the tower had moved two millimeters. This was a great setback because engineers had previously corrected about twenty millimeters of the lean by using an inventive underground cables idea to straighten the tower. Pisa would hate to lose its precious Campo dei Miracoli and the tourist dollars.

25. How much has been spent to save the tower?
a. a million
b. a dollars
c. million dollars
d. thousands

Jawaban (C)
Kunci jawaban terdapat pada baris Millions of dollars have been spent to stop the tower crashing to the ground. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah million dollars. (C)

26. What causes the tower to move?
a. crashing to the ground
b. shifting soil
c. falling tower
d. underground cables.

Jawaban (B)
shifting soil has always been the tower’s problem kalimat tersebut yang menjadi kunci jawabannya, shifting adalah pergeseran, jadi yang menjadi masalah utama adalah shifting soil (pergeseran tanah).

27. Choose the correct expression to fill in the blank.
Wulan : …... you can do the test well.
Renny : Thank you. Wish me luck.
a. I hope
b. I doubt
c. I'm curious
d. I'm not sure

Jawaban (A)
Jawaban reni : Wish me luck., merupakan kunci dalam menjawab, reni berharap lancar atau mampu mengerjakan, sehingga konsteks kalimat yang di kemukakan oleh wulan adalah juga harapan / do’a.
Dari pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah I hope, lengkapnya I hope you can do the test well.
Saya harap kamu bisa mengerjakan testnya dengan baik.

28. Would you like to come to my party tonight?
a. It does not matter.
b. No, I disagree about that.
c. Well done.
d. I would love to.

Jawaban (D)
Jawaban atas ajakan atau undangan yang menyatakan persetujuan adalah I would love to, sedangkah it does not matter merupakan balasan dari permintaan maaf.

29. …..moon is so bright.
a. a        c. it
b. an      d. the

Jawaban (D)
Kata yang tepat adalah the, di hubungkan sebelum kata benda.

30 . Rahma : ….. did eat my apple on the table?
Keke : I did.
a. Where    c. Whom
b. Who      d. What

Jawaban (B)
Rahma bertanya.. siapa yang memakan apelku di meja, whom tidak dapat digunakan karena konteks kalimat tidak memerlukan kata ganti subyek. Namun langsung ke pertnyaan siapa. Jawaban yang tepat adalah who (D).

31. A : Hello.
B : Hello. Can I have this newspaper, please?
A : That’s 50,000 rupiahs, please.
A : Here you are.
B : ….
a. Don’t mention it
b. Never mind
c. Thank you
d. Goodbye

Jawaban (C)
Jawaban yang tepat adalah C, thank you : terimakasih, karena penjual si A sudah menyebutkan here you are, berarti Koran sudah diberikan, karena itu balasan yang tepat adalah thank you.
Never mind = jangan dipikirkan
Don’t mention it = jangan di sebutkan
Good by = selamat tinggal

32. The sign mean …
a. Don’t be animal
b. Don’t take the photographs.
c. Don’t bring pets
d. Keep off the grass.

Jawaban (C)
Tanda hewan peliharaan yang di beri tanda silang berarti dilarang membawa hewan peliharaan, jadi jawabannya adalah c. Don’t bring pets.

33. The children of my aunt and uncle are My ….
a. daughters
b. sons
c. brothers
d. cousins

Jawaban (D)
Anak dari paman dan bibi adalah kemenakan, jadi jawaban yang tepat cousin.

I am Denny. I am in year 1 SMP Puring. I go to school on foot. I wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts.

34. Denny goes to …
a. SMA Puring.
b. SMP Puring.
c. Puring University.
d. hospital.

Jawaban (B)
Kata kuncinya adalah I am in year 1 SMP Puring. Jadi denny pergi ke SMP Puring.

35. Denny goes to school …
a. by bus
b. by bicycle
c. by motorcycle
d. on foot

Jawaban (D)
Kalimat kuncinya adalah I go to school on foot, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

36. Irma : Hi, Risa. Guess what! I passed the test yesterday.
Risa : That’s great, congratulations.
The italicised phrase is the expression for …
a. gratitude
b. agreement
c. telling interesting news
d. pleasure

Jawaban (C)
Gratitude = terimakasih
agreement = persetujuan
telling interesting news = memberitahukan berita yang menarik
pleasure = kesenangan
jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C, yaitu menarik perhatian.

37. There was no ... in the bedroom last night.
So I felt very cold.
A. bedcover
B. mattress
C. blanket
D. pillow

Jawaban (C)
There was no ... in the bedroom last night.
Semalam tidak ada … di kamar tidur,
So I felt very cold.
saya merasa sangat kedinginan.
Bedcover = tutup kasur
Mattress = matras
Blanket = selimut
Pillow = bantal

38. Maliki ; Anyway, how's Tim now?
Yauma : He's better, I think;
What is the opposite of the italic word?
A. nice
B. worse
C. worst
D. good

Jawaban (B)
opposite adalah kebalikan, jadi kebalikan better = membaik adalah memburuk yaitu worse. Ingat bukan worst (terburuk).

39. Mrs. Syarif : Oh, what a nice washing machine!
Mrs. Hindun : It is. It’s just Rp1,199,000.00 Buy now.
Mrs. Syarif : It’s … for me. I can’t afford it.
a. rather cheap
b. really good
c. too expensive
d. so wonderful

Jawaban (C)
It’s … for me. I can’t afford it.
Kalimat tersebut mengungkapkan rasa keberatan, jadi titik-titik tersebut yang tepat di isi dengan too expensive.

40. My mother …. a special dinner for my father last night.
a. make
b. making
c. is making
d. made

Jawaban (D)
kata kunci terdapat pada keterangan waktu last night. Sehingga merupakan kalimat lampau, jadi kata yang tepat adalah lampau juga yaitu made.

41. Liana : My brother had an accident last night.
Bayu : Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.
The italicised sentence is an expression of .
a. showing certainty
b. showing uncertainty
c. giving compliment
d. showing sympathy

Jawaban (D)
Kalimat Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.
Merupakan kalimat simpati, bela sungkawa, jadi jawabanya adalah D.

42. Tina : Did you attend the funeral ceremony yesterday?
Rony : Yes, I did. But it took long time … I went home earlier.
a. and
b. but
c. then
d. so

Jawaban (D)
kalimat Yes, I did. But it took long time … I went home earlier.
Ya, tetapi hal itu memakan waktu lama (jadi) saya pulang lebih awal.
Kata penghubung yang tepat dengan arti jadi adalah so.

I know there are many young men who would like to become astronauts, space explorers or scientists, or, at
least to work in a space program. But, to do so you will have to prepare and to work hard. There is no other way. In the space field, mathematics and science are of the most importance. These are subjects to which future astronauts must pay special attention in school. I don't mean that the other subjects are not important. It's important to know about this world and its problems before you go off to other worlds. A strong foundation in mathematics and science is essential to be an astronaut. One cannot do without a complete
understanding of nature, and of the earth. In space a slight mistake in mathematics can be fatal. Self control, discipline and mental strength are very important requirements for an astronaut. The good spirit of team work has to win over personal desires.

43. Why are mathematics and science the most important subject in the space field?
A. In space, a slight mistake in mathematics can be fatal.
B. To understand completely about the nature of all subjects.
C. Both subjects are strong foundation.
D. They are essential to an astronaut.

Jawaban (A)
A strong foundation in mathematics and science is essential to be an astronaut. One cannot do without a complete understanding of nature, and of the earth. In space a slight mistake in mathematics
can be fatal Jawaban terdapat pada kalimat yang ditebalkan. Pentingnya matematika bagi 
astronot adalah dikarenakan kesalahan perhitungan matematis di ruang angkasa berakibat fatal.

44. What is the best title for the text?
A. The Training of Astronauts.
B. The Requirements to be an Astronaut.
C. The Most Important School Subjects.
D. The Preparation of Going to the Other Space

Jawaban (B)
What is the best title for the text?
Judul yang pas dengan paragraph tersebut adalah persyaratan untuk menjadi seorang astronot. Karena dari awal paragraph menekankan pentingnya matematika bagi para calon astronot, lalu kesiapan mental dst. Jadi jawabanya adalah The Requirements to be an Astronaut.

45. Besides knowledge, what is important to be an astronaut?
A. The high mood
B. Mental strength
C. Personal desires
D. Important requirements

Jawaban (B)
Self control, discipline and mental strength are very important requirements for an astronaut.
Diantara pilihan yang ada, mental strength yang menjadi jawabanya.

46. Irma : Mardi Lestari was the fastest sprinter in 1989.
Yetty : He’s the fastest … in Indonesia but also in Asia.
a. both
b. either
c. neither
d. not only

Jawaban (D)
He’s the fastest … in Indonesia but also in Asia.
Dia tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga tercepat di Asia, jawaban yang tepat adalah Not Only.

47. X : Why should we reduce the use of freon?
Y : Well, you know that freon ... the hole in our ozon layer bigger and bigger.
a. will make
b. has made
c. is making
d. made

Jawaban (C)
karena konteks pembiacaraanya mengenai Freon dan Freon terus merusak lapisan ozon mulai dari dulu sampai nanti, jadi kata penghubung yang tepat adalah is making.

48. Dina : Do you know Rafflesia Arnoldi?
Rani : Yes, it smells very bad … it is a beautiful flower.
Dina : And it is also the biggest flower in the world.
a. although
b. but
c. and
d. or

Jawaban (B)
Yes, it smells very bad … it is a beautiful flower.
Kalimat pertama adalah bernilai negative sedangkan kalimat kedua bernilai positif, jadi kata penghubung yang tepat adalah but.

The Indonesian Archipelago Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than 13,000
islands. The islands lie along the equator and extend more than 5,000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few square kilometers. But about a half of New Guinea and three quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Those islands are the second-and-third largest islands in the world, after Greenland.
Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three groups: (1) the Greater Sunda
Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda Islands, and (3) the Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which is part of New Guinea. 

49. Which of the followings belong to the First largest island in the world?
a. Borneo. 
b. Irian Jaya. 
c. New Guinea. 
d. Greenland

Jawaban (D)
New Guinea and three quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Those islands are the second-and-third largest islands in the world, after Greenland.

50. Paragraph two talks about 
a. the three divisions of Indonesia's islands.
b. the greater Sunda islands.
c. the Indonesian geographers.
d. the position of Indonesia

Jawaban (A)
Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three…
tema utama paragraph kedua adalah pembagian kepulauan di Indonesia, hal itu terdapat pada awal paragraf.
Prediksi UN+US+Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Paket 1 TA 2013/2014 4.5 5 Hand Friday, March 7, 2014 The Jackson Family Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very goo...

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